Sunday, 16 February 2014

Let Us Play [Part 2]

My last post was mainly a self-promotion post about how I had started making gaming videos again. This post continues that theme, but with a few points I've learned along the way of sharing my series. 

First off, here it is: 

Now, since this game has been "Let's Played" a lot before, getting the views has been hard work. Not being a very prominent internet presence, I'm having to try and get my video noticed through all the much larger channels already having done the same thing. 

I'm not saying I'm doing this just for views, I'm actually having a lot of fun recording it, but it sure would be nice! The one thing you have to keep telling yourself is that, somewhere, there is someone who wants to watch your content. They may be in the minority, but at least they exist. 

Once I had the idea of starting to do Let's Plays, I started looking (mainly around Reddit) at advice people had for making good content and where to share it and such. I was met with wave upon wave of posts indicating that getting good views is impossible since, now, everyone, ever is making videos. I see the point these people were making, and yes, a lot of people are doing it, but that just means the idea of Let's Plays is becoming more and more popular, yes? 

This has been proven to me already by receiving a private message on Reddit, after sharing my videos around, from someone who runs their own Let's Play archive-ish website. After joining this website and setting up a profile I added my videos to it. I then received a further message from someone on that site asking to collaborate. 

This is exactly the kind of community of gamers I imagine, not the negative, elitist societies that seem to have established themselves all over the web that condemn every Let's Play they see if they have seen someone else do it before. Everything's been done before. It's just finding the right audience for your material that matters. There will be one.