Sunday, 3 November 2013

Technology (Again)

From one of my first posts you will know that I was planning to build a reasonably powerful desktop for recording and occasional gaming purposes. Finally, after a couple of weeks, I have sourced, bought, and had delivered all the components. I enlisted the help of one of my more tech-savvy friends to help me assemble it today and I was all geared up to fire it on, when it just wouldn't turn on.

Now I'm not going to lie, I envisioned something like this happening as it was the first time I'd ever done anything like this before. It took us a good few hours (very fun, mind) to actually build it so I experienced a good bit of rage when attempting to power it on and having no luck.

After looking through some forums I can't find any help and I am loathe to dismantle it again to go fault-finding. If anyone of you has any advice or sites to look at for help in this area please don't hesitate to drop me a link.

In the interest of happier things, my solo entry to the Metal Guitar God contest is still active and it would mean a great deal if you could take the few minutes to vote for my entry, the link is in the post of the same title.

Again, thank you for reading and all comments are welcome!