Thursday, 17 October 2013

Thanksgiving & Stress

First off, apologies for this post for being so late! On Sunday, I was in Edinburgh celebrating Canadian Thanksgiving with friends, which was amazing. A heinous amount of food was eaten, of course, but it meant that I didn't have time in the evening.

The other part of this post is dealing with Chemistry related work stress. At the moment there is a whole lot to do, and not a lot of time to do it in. My usual stress reliever is to write/play music or go to the gym, but the irony is that I haven't had time to do these things with my workload. But, in a recent development of optimism, I'm sure it'll be sorted.

What is tiding me over is the fact that I've decided on components for my desktop, and now it's ready to be ordered, which is probably far too exciting. I've also been showing my flatmates PC Minecraft, and I think they're hooked, so this should be very fun.

I will also be linking my entry to Metal Guitar Gods 2013 to this blog when I've recorded and uploaded it. It would mean a great deal if you could drop some votes and shares!

As ever, comments, criticisms (if you think I should be talking less about myself, let me know!) and feedback are always welcome! Thanks for reading.